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You are summoned to a remote meeting of Hurst Green Parish Council on Tuesday 27th April 2021 at 8.00pm. This meeting is open to the public, to be hosted by Zoom, Click the following link to join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9201667911
Meeting ID: 920 166 7911. Alternatively, you can dial in by telephone: 0203 901 7895.
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of last meetings – to sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 30th March 2021.
- Deceleration of interests – in accordance with the Members Code of Conduct: to receive any disclosure by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the member regards the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
- Application for dispensation – to consider written requests from Members for dispensation and to consider the length of time the dispensation should be granted for i.e. as a one-off relating to a matter on this agenda, or ongoing for a set period and relating to any agenda within that period.
- Community Activities and reports
- Neighbourhood Plan, progress report (Cllrs. Brown & Wright)
- Motion ‘that this Council for reasons of adequately funding the production of
its neighbourhood plan, and in accordance with the approved Neighbourhood PlanSteering Group Terms of Reference [specifically Finance, item 8, which requires funding collected for the production of the Neighbourhood Plan be ring-fenced forNeighbourhood Plan purposes],shall reaffirm its previously agreed motion to carry forward the relevant Neighbourhood Plan unspent portions of this Council’s annual precept collections to subsequent years, until such a time when the Neighbourhood Plan is made.”
- Old Community Shop Building, progress report. (Cllr.Browne)
- District and County councillors reports
- Clerk’s report
- Parish Correspondence and local resident issues
- Urgent issues requiring attention
- Councillors questions, none recorded
- Finance/RFO Report
- Approve the Annual Governance Statement for 2020-2021
- Approve the Accounting Statements for 2020-2021
- Approve year end bank balances 31st March 2021
- Approve expenses as itemised on the schedule
- Approve combined bank balances and corresponding bank statements from 1st April.
- To discuss/adopt Risk Assessment for internal and external auditor
- To discuss the cost and use of RBS Rialtas Parish Council accounting package.
- To consider requests for grants
- Hurst Green Cricket club, grants for various works.
- Tim & Julie Weare re restoration and structural work to the cloak tower, grant of£5,000 to £7,000 requested
- Transport, roads and footpaths
- Planning
- RDC Planning decisions
- Planning applications
- Playing and stage fields
- Lodge Field progress report
- Items for the next agenda A Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
- Date and time of next meeting
Planning Recorded for April Meeting
Bexhurst Oast, Merriments Lane, Hurst Green TN19 7RA
Proposed garden room extension.
Bexhurst Barn, Merriments Lane, Hurst Green TN19 7RA
Proposed single storey extension.