April 2021 Minutes Parish Council meeting
Minutes of the remote meeting held on Tuesday 27th April 2021 starting at 8.10pm.
Present:- Councillor Browne (Chair), Councillor Brown, Councillor Duddridge, Councillor Hampton, , Councillor Janes, Councillor Johnson, Councillor Price, Councillor Wright and County Councillor John Barnes and District Councillor Mary Barnes.
The RFO, Anita Emery and the Clerk were in attendance along with five members of the public.
1.0 Apologies for absence
Councillor Kenchington (on another call)
2.0 Minutes of the last meeting
To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the remote meeting held on Tuesday the 30th March 2021.
Minutes proposed by Councillor Price and seconded by Councillor Duddridge.
In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct: to receive any disclosure by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the member regards the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
Councillors Brown and Wright declared an interest agenda item 7.2 applications RR/2021/367/P as Councillor Brown is a direct neighbour and Councillor Wright has done work for the owner. Councillors Browne, Johnson and Wright declared an interest in agenda item 7.2 application RR/2021/457/P as owner is well known to them and Councillor Brown as a direct neighbour also declared an interest.
to consider written requests from Members for Dispensation and to consider the length of time the dispensation should be granted for i.e. as a one-off relating to a matter on this agenda, or ongoing for a set period and relating to any agenda within that period.
None received.
4.0 COMMUNITY- Activities and reports: –
4.1 Neighbourhood Plan, progress report (Cllrs. Brown & Wright)
Councillor Brown gave the report.
1. Motion ‘that this Council for reasons of adequately funding the production of
its neighbourhood plan, and in accordance with the approved Neighbourhood Plan
Steering Group Terms of Reference [specifically Finance, item 8, which requires funding
collected for the production of the Neighbourhood Plan be ring-fenced forNeighbourhood
Plan purposes],shall reaffirm its previously agreed motion to carry forward the relevant
Neighbourhood Plan unspent portions of this Council’s annual precept collections to
subsequent years, until such a time when the Neighbourhood Plan is made.”
Motion was proposed by Councillor Brown and seconded by Councillor Wright.
This was unanimously approved.
4.2 Old Community Shop Building, progress report. (Cllr. Browne)
Councillor Browne reported that a number of questions have been rec’d from Roger Taylor relating to the lease and suggested a working party meeting on the next day, Wednesday 31st March.
This was unanimously agreed. Clerk not required.
4.3 District and County Councillors reports
Councillor John Barnes gave his report including pressing for a 20mph speed limit in Station Road and adjoining residential areas and traffic lights on the junction of the A265 and A21. The Chair thanked Councillor Barnes for all his work on behalf of the Vi8llage and reported that he will be sadly missed as he is now standing down as a county councillor.
Councillor Mary Barnes gave the District Council report.
4.4 Clerk’s report
The Clerk gave her report.
The Clerk reported that the annual playground inspection was due in June and asked the Council if it was happy for ROSPA to do the inspection again? This was unanimously approved
4.5 Parish Correspondence and local resident issues
A new resident to the village expressed concern at speeding through the village on the A21 and was surprized at the lack of speed enforcement cameras. The Chair gave a background to ongoing and past actions concerning this issue but would renew efforts to lobby our MP Huw Merriman to bring about changes and speed calming measures. Clerk to contact Frances McKenna.
Councillor Brown has rec’d a complaint from a local resident re a new entrance and hard core laid down off of the A229 almost opposite Merriments Garden centre. Clerk to report to RDC enforcement.
An issue re missed enforcement notification was reported by another local resident concerning the Thai Kitchen set up on the A21 at Swiftsden. Chair has contacted Rother District Council about this and the enforcement officer, Mark Bright, reported that there had been glitches in the system before Christmas and some items went missing. Now reported and in the system.
Another resident fed up with the litter problem in Burgh wood has been collecting litter and rubbish from here since Christmas and has so far collected 60 kilos of rubbish.
Litter bins at Coronation Gardens to be put on the next agenda. Clerk will contact RDC to see about supply and emptying.
4.6 Urgent issues requiring attention
Reported under 4.5 above.
4.7 Councillors questions, none rec’d
5.0 Finance/RFO’s Report:–
The RFO, Anita Emery gave her report.
5.1 Approve the Annual Governance Statement for 2020-2021
This was unanimously approved
5.2 Approve the Accounting Statements for 2020-2021
These were unanimously approved
5.3 Approve year end bank balances 31st March 2021
These were unanimously approved
5.4 Approve expenses as itemised on the schedule
Approval of Invoices and payments proposed by Councillor Wright and seconded by Councillor Johnson. Unanimously approved
5.5 Approve combined bank balances and corresponding bank statements from 1st April.
Proposed by Councillor Wright and seconded by Councillor Johnson. Unanimously approved
5.6 To discuss/adopt Risk Assessment for internal and external auditor
To be deferred to next meeting (AGM) as documentation not rec’d by all Councillors. 5.7 To discuss the cost and use of RBS Rialtas Parish Council accounting package. To be deferred to a later meeting as documentation not rec’d by all Councillors.
5.8 To consider requests for grants
i) Hurst Green Cricket club, grants for various works.
Councillor Duddridge proposed granting the Cricket club £707.55. under LGA 1976, s19 for refurbishment of the pavilion. This was seconded by Councillor Browne. This was unanimously agreed.
ii) Tim & Julie Weare re restoration and structural work to the cloak tower, grant of £5,000 to £7,000 requested
Revised figure of £1,000 rec’d for this project with presentation during public consultation before the meeting started.
Councillor Browne proposed a grant of £1,000. under PCA 1957, s2 for scaffolding needed for the repair of the Clock tower. This was seconded by Councillor Duddridge. This was unanimously agreed.
Councillor Johnson requested some more yellow footpath directional marker signs. Clerk to action.
Enforcement issues
Thai Kitchen., London Road Swiftsden. Reported by local resident to PC and RDC who have replied New entrance and driveway off of Horns Road A229 (Cllr Brown) Reported by local resident. Clerk will report to RDC.
7.1 RDC Planning decisions
RR/2020/2584/P – 31 London Road, Rose Cottage, Proposed single story rear infill extension and front porch extension. Granted.
7.2 Current Applications.
Councillors Browne, Johnson and Wright declared an interest in the application below as owner is well known to them & Councillor Brown as a direct neighbour and they abstained from discussion and vote. RR/2021/457/P – Bexhurst Oast, Merriments Lane, Hurst Green TN19 7RA. Proposed garden room extension. Supported.
Councillor Brown declared an interest in the application below as the owner is a direct neighbour and Councillor Wright as owner is well known to him.and they abstained from discussion and vote. RR/2021/367/P – Bexhurst Barn, Merriments Lane, Hurst Green TN19 7RA. Proposed single storey extension. Supported.
8.0 Playing & Stage Fields
Clerk reported that the moles in Drewetts Field had been treated. 8.1
9.00 Items for the next agenda
Neighbourhood Plan.
Standing Orders and Financial regs.
Other items to be emailed to Clerk as necessary.
10.0 Date and time of next Meeting
The next Council meeting, which will be the AGM, is to be held remotely on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 8.00pm.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.05pm.
Distribution of Minutes: –
All Parish Councillors
Parish Council Noticeboard
Parish Council Website
ESCC Councillor J. Barnes
RDC Councillor M Barnes.