[pdf version for for printing]

You are summoned to the remote Annual General Meeting of HURST GREEN PARISH COUNCIL on Tuesday the 4thMay 2021 at 8.00pm.

This meeting is open to the public with public consultation by arrangement with the Clerk and is hosted by Zoom. To join the meeting visit :  


Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 920 166 7911

Alternatively, you can dial in by telephone:  0208 080 6592


  1. Apologies
  2. Election of Officers
    1. Election of Chairperson and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
    2. Election of Vice Chairperson and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
  3. Election of Committees and Representatives
    1. Playing Fields
      1. Stage Field
      2. Lodge Field
      3. Drewetts Field
    2. Footpaths & Roads
    3. Community Representatives
    4. Representative to Rother Association of Local Councils
    5. Representatives to East Sussex ALC (2)
    6. Tree Warden
    7. Neighbourhood Plan representative
  4. Minutes of The Last Meeting: To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on the an 27/04/21
  5. Declaration of Interests, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct: to receive any disclosure by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the member regards the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct
    1. Applications For Dispensation – to consider written requests from Members for dispensation and to consider the length of time the dispensation should be granted for i.e. as a one-off relating to a matter on this agenda, or ongoing for a set period and relating to any agenda within that period. 
  6. Community Shop
  7. Clerk’s update
    1. Urgent issues requiring attention
    2. Councillors questions none rec’d
  8. Finance
    1. To discuss/adopt Risk Assessment for internal and external auditor
  9. Standing Orders, adoption of Standing Orders
    1. Adoption of Financial Regulations
  10. Items for next Agenda
  11. Date and Time of next Meeting